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Growing your cultural intelligence

Understanding culture is hugely helpful, especially when it comes to leading cross-cultural teams. Having to lead across cultural lines no…

5 prayers to pray over your business

Looking to the year ahead, prayer is a habit we can cultivate and grow with confidence in 2022. In this…

Hope in the midst of turmoil

One could easily assume that this is the most hopeless season in the recent history of the MENA region, but…

Stewarding our joy

Lately I have been thinking about our role in Mergon as stewards – not only of God’s entrusted capital but…

A Christian perspective of philanthropy – more than just charity

As a Christian faith-based organisation, some might say we have a unique view on giving and generosity. There is such…

Chart the course, steer the ship

There’s a saying: ‘When a student is ready, a teacher will appear.’ Over the years, I’ve learnt a lot from…